How to book flights and travel stress-free when you’re gender-nonconforming

How to book flights and travel stress-free when you’re gender-nonconforming

Navigating air travel as a gender nonconforming individual can present unique challenges, but with proper preparation and awareness, you can ensure a smoother journey. Here’s an updated guide to help you book flights and travel with confidence.

  1. Selecting Inclusive Airlines

Many major airlines now offer non-binary gender options during the booking process. For instance, Delta allows customers to select ‘X’ (Unspecified) or ‘U’ (Undisclosed) in addition to ‘M’ (Male) and ‘F’ (Female). Customers can also choose the title ‘Mx’. It’s essential that the gender marker in your airline’s system matches what’s on your government-issued ID.

  1. Understanding TSA Screening Procedures

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has made strides to accommodate transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming travelers. Screening is conducted based on how you present yourself at the checkpoint. Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) used by TSA has software that differentiates anatomy based on gender. If an alarm is triggered, officers are trained to resolve the issue, not to scrutinize the individual. You can request a private screening or speak with a supervisor at any time during the process.

  1. Enrolling in TSA PreCheck

For frequent travelers, enrolling in TSA PreCheck can expedite the security process. As of April 2022, TSA PreCheck applicants can self-attest their gender, regardless of the sex assigned at birth. This update aims to better serve non-binary and gender nonconforming individuals.

  1. Ensuring ID and Ticket Consistency

It’s crucial that the name and gender on your boarding pass match your government-issued ID. If your ID displays a different name or gender marker than your current presentation, ensure that your flight booking reflects the information on your ID to prevent potential issues during security checks.

  1. Handling Medical Supplies and Prosthetics

If you’re traveling with medical supplies, hormones, or prosthetics, pack them in a separate, easily accessible bag in your carry-on. You might consider carrying a TSA notification card to discreetly inform officers about these items. This can facilitate a smoother screening process.

  1. Navigating International Layovers

When planning international travel, be mindful of layovers in countries with laws that may not be supportive of gender nonconforming individuals. Research the cultural and legal environment of layover destinations to ensure your safety and comfort.

  1. Staying Informed and Prepared

Stay updated on airline policies and TSA procedures, as they can change over time. Being well-informed will help you anticipate potential challenges and navigate them effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do all airlines offer non-binary gender options during booking?

Ans: While many major airlines have introduced non-binary gender options, it’s not yet universal. It’s advisable to check with the airline directly or through their official website during the booking process.

Q: What should I do if I’m selected for additional screening?

Ans: If selected for additional screening, you can request a private screening and have a companion present. TSA officers are trained to conduct screenings professionally and respectfully. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, ask to speak with a supervisor.

Q: Can I travel with prosthetics or binders?

Ans: Yes, you can travel with prosthetics, binders, and other gender-affirming items. It’s recommended to inform the TSA officer discreetly, either verbally or with a notification card, to facilitate the screening process.

By staying informed and proactive, you can navigate air travel with greater ease and confidence. Safe travels!